How many days go by
Eyes fixed to the ground
Glued to a screen
Hazed and dazed
‘Til it’s time to close
What if instead
They looked up
To notice what’s there
Beyond the familiar bubble
Perchance to dream
Clouds change every day
Based on where you look
What place you’re in
What nature is doing
Where your mind drifts
Just sitting up there
Waiting to be noticed
To be admired
To be imagined
To be fantasized about
A cloud a day
Is a fine place to start
To be more mindful
To remember to look around
To find inspiration in unlikely places
October 1
Epic belly flop into the swimming pool
October 2
That embarrassing rash you’ll never see a dermatologist about
October 3
Hammerbutt shark blowing its nose
October 4
Dad’s new toupĂ©e
October 5
Ocean waves pushing the mountains aside
October 6
Alternate universe in motion
October 7
Zig-zag swivel swirl
October 8
Echoes through the void
October 9
Snowflakes that aren’t really snowflakes
October 10
All doggies go to heaven
October 11
Last blurry light before it disappears forever
October 12
The weighted blanket
October 13
Checkmarks the spot
October 14
Dragon breath smells awful
October 15
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
October 16
“New Mexico has too many sunny days” – said no one ever
October 17
“Later ‘gator” to your favorite new friend moving onto a sailboat
October 18
The kind of shame I’m not ashamed of
October 19
Too many options at the Paleta Bar
October 20
When sunrise looks just like sunset but in the opposite direction
October 21
Empanadas at midnight (but not really midnight)
October 22
October 23
Clouds of a feather flock together
October 24
Attack of the mountain dragon when nobody wins
October 25
Sticks and stones may break my bones
October 26
“Pink is my favorite color” – Aerosmith
October 27
Palak paneer…medium-spicy, please
October 28
It’s not a “Magic Eye” puzzle
October 29
The gradient waltz when no one can dance
October 30
Fireworks to kick off the morning with a bang
October 31
Skidmarks peeling out of the grocery store parking lot on a Tuesday afternoon